Tales of Middle-earth Commander (LTC)

591 cards Released 2023-06-23

$21,204.81 €2,073.95 563.34 TIX

Commanders 8 cards

Display Commanders 4 cards

New Cards 72 cards

Holiday Scene Boxes 24 cards

Borderless Flavor Cards 30 cards

Fancy Sol Rings 6 cards

Holiday Collector Boosters 44 cards

Silverfoil Holiday Cards 80 cards

Reprints 187 cards

Surge Foil Box Toppers 60 cards

Extended Art 76 cards

In the blink of an eye, they strode from deep snow to the end of this search.

Tales of Middle-earth Commander (LTC)

591 cards Released 2023-06-23

$21,204.81 €2,073.95 563.34 TIX